
My name is Jacob.

I am a senior studying Computer Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh. After graduation, I will be working as a Software Engineer at Argo AI, an autonomous vehicle company in Pittsburgh. I am also an undergraduate researcher at the National Science Foundation Center for Space, High-Performance, and Resilient Computing (NSF SHREC) working on AI software for space systems. Previously, I was a Software Engineer Intern at Argo AI and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Please enjoy exploring my website, GitHub, and LinkedIn. Feel free to contact me if you have questions.

My Work

I have worked on numerous projects throughout my career. I work mostly in C/C++ (classes, research, internships), Python (research, internships), and Java (classes). Much of my work is owned by Argo AI, NASA GSFC, or NSF SHREC and cannot be shared publicly. Specific inquiries about work product for any current or previous employer should be directed to that organization. Below are examples of some projects available on my GitHub.

Iris classifier

Classify the Iris dataset using TensorFlow and visualize the training results with TensorBoard

Hangouts Parser

Parse and visualize the data from your Google Hangouts conversations


Casino game simulator. Dummy project to experiment with C++, CMake, and Google Test


Contact Me

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments. Thanks!